Odoobot is a user-friendly platform to deploy and manage self-hosted Odoo environments with minimal technical knowledge, which helps many of the project managers / functional consultants and even developers in their daily tasks.
Getting started
The standard deployment using Odoobot requires the following to be true
- Domain name with nameservers pointing to CloudFlare
- Freshly provisioned server with Ubuntu 22 and up, can be a VPS or Dedicated server, for better performance we recommend on of the following cloud providers Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, or Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.
SSL Certificates
All deployments requires valid SSL certificate, we recommend CloudFlare for issuing and managing your SSL certificates, follow instructions on how to create SSL certificates in CloudFlare
Running business ERP requires your system to be secured with SSL certificates, Odoobot integrates with CloudFlare to create and manage SSL certificate without worrying about their expiration.
Add certificate
Follow CloudFlare instructions to create an SSL certificate, once created you can add it in Odoobot
- Navigate to the SSL Certificates section in the dashboard.
Click on New to add Certificate.
Fill in certificate details
- Enter a name for the certificate.
- Enter the root domain name for which the certificate was issued.
- Enter an un-proxied subdomain that will be used to by-pass CloudFlare limitations in case you choose CloudFlare Free plan. (You must create DNS record for this subdomain as well.)
- Copy and paste Origin Certificate contents from CloudFlare into Odoobot.
- Copy and paste Private Key contents from CloudFlare into Odoobot.
- Click Save.
Before adding your server to Odoobot, you need to make sure that you have a DNS record pointing to your server on CloudFlare that will act as a default subdomain that will hold default / common NGINX configuration.
Add server
To add a new server:
Go to the Servers section in the dashboard.
Click on Add Server.
- Fill in server details:
- Enter Name for the server.
- Enter IP Address.
- Enter the Domain / Subdomain, follow CloudFlare instructions.
- Make sure that CloudFlare Proxy is checked.
- Select SSL Certificate that covers Domain / Subdomain follow CloudFlare instructions.
- Select Authentication method, Odoobot supports
If you choose Basic Auth you must provide Username / Password.
If you choose Private Key you must provide Username / Private Key.
If you choose Public Key you must copy Odoobot's public key to authorized_keys on your server
If you choose Basic Auth you must provide Username / Password.
- Enter list python libraries in Default requirements.txt to be installed on any Odoo environment on that server using.
- Enter list of IP addresses in IP Whitelist, this allows access over HTTP only from a whitelisted IP address.
- Click Save to add the server.
- Navigate to the Projects section.
- Click New to create a new project.
- Fill in project details:
- Enter Project Name.
- Currently we are supporting Github only.
- Check this option for Existing repository or Uncheck for New repository.
- Enter Repository Name, or search for an existing one based on pervious step.
- Select project's Default Edition
- Select project's Default Version
- Select project's Production Server, follow instructions on How to add a server
- Select project's Production SSL Certificate, follow instructions on How to add a certificate
- Select project's Staging Server
- Select project's Staging SSL Certificate
- Select project's Development Server
- Select project's Development SSL Certificate
- Click Save to create the project.
- History
- Access Information
- Setting
- Queue
- Backups
- Sign in to your CloudFlare dashboard ↗
- Select the domain name that you want to manage
- From the left side menu click on DNS, then Click Add record
- Select record type A, enter subdomain or leave it blank to use root domain, enter IP address of the server, keep Proxy status checked then click Save
- Sign in to your CloudFlare dashboard
- Select the domain name that you want to manage
- From the left side menu click on SSL/TLS, then Click Configure
- Select Full (Strict) then click Save
- From the left side menu click Origin Server then click Create Certificate
- Keep default setting and then click Create
- Copy Origin Certificate and Private Key contents, follow Odoobot instructions to add the certificate, then click Ok
Each Odoobot project is a Github repository just like Odoo sh you can create a project from an existing Github repository or create a new repository when project is created in Odoo.bot
Create project
To create a new project:
Once created, you will be redirected to the Project Console with production instance created automatically for you.
Project Console
Project console view provides easy access to project stage instances whether Production , Staging or Development.
Navigating Interface
Access Information
Create DNS Record
Create SSL Certificate